Friday, October 18, 2024

Now Available! Shown Approved

 Now available through Wipf & Stock Publishers, on Amazon, and wherever books are sold:

Shown Approved: Philadelphian Christianity and Jesus’ Letter to the Church

"What does Jesus value and seek in believers' hearts? In the midst of turbulent current events, what do flourishing, faithful individuals and church groups look like, and how can we personally pursue a more meaningful, intentional Christian lifestyle that pleases the Lord and anticipates Jesus' imminent return for his Bride? Addressing these questions and others through a scriptural lens of hands-on application, Shown Approved walks readers through Jesus' letter to the ancient church of Philadelphia in Rev 3. One of only two positive role models in Rev 2-3, Philadelphia is a Christ-first, Christ-focused example for believers today. Applying Jesus' commendation of Philadelphian Christianity as a call to action and a guide to bold, abundant life, Shown Approved offers encouragement and direction in an increasingly confused culture, connects end-times prophecies to daily living, and serves as a roadmap for healthy, humble, and mission-minded faith."

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