Thursday, October 24, 2019

Video: Truck Transfer with Unlocked KAFOs

Getting in and out of a truck with KAFOs.  This is an older video with classic braces which I don't use anymore, but since there aren't many videos about everyday life with KAFOs/ long leg braces, I hope this upload will help others who are figuring out vehicle transfers.

At release from rehab, before leg braces and still in recovery from extensive upper body damage, I was told that it would take 4-5 people, a slideboard, and a bedsheet for me to get in and out of a truck.  Much healing and many steps later, what a major difference from the initial prognosis.

(Note: This video is from almost two years post-injury, with both KAFOs completely unlocked at the knees.)


  1. What do you use now if don't use kafos. Has your condition got a bit better ?

  2. Thank you for your interest in the video! Yes, I've moved from full leg braces to modular braces, and continue to make progress. The KAFOs in the video are heavy-duty fabricated plastic and metal, designed for locking out the knees if needed (locked,; unlocked, I'm now using Allards modular braces, which can be lightweight KAFOs ( or AFOs (
